Unlocking Housing in North Tandridge
THEME: Housing
AREA: Tandridge
Supporting new developments whilst unlocking affordable housing
Delivery Body: Tandridge District Council
Theme: Housing
Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £4,915,000
Match Funding Contribution: £17,119,750
Project Status: Delivering
Summary of Project
The ‘Unlocking Housing in North Tandridge’ project originally focused on relocation of the two Community Recycling Centres in North Tandridge to free up development sites for housing.
The focus of the project subsequently shifted to Caterham Valley town centre where the regeneration of Quadrant House will act as a catalyst for sustainable economic growth in the town centre. In turn, this should unlock other sites for housing and inward investment. Quadrant House will become a focus for transformational shift to upgrade environmental performance, and the quality of the office space available and the street scene on to Croydon Road. Specifically, the funding will enable the Council to provide a living wall along the High Street elevation, to improve the rear elevation, to upgrade the lifts, to provide a roof terrace at third floor level and to refurbish vacant suites to modern standards. The funding will also enable the Council to implement a package of measures to improve environmental performance including insulation to the walls and the roof, replacement windows throughout, installation of a heat recovery air conditioning system to the refurbished suites (replacing the use of gas boilers for heating these suites) and if budget allows, some photovoltaic panels on the roof.
The funding will also enable concept designs for a new community library to be drawn up, which could help unlock the existing library site for housing in future. And will support the Caterham BID’s plans to improve Croydon Road public realm by enabling technical appraisals and further design work to take place.
Key Outputs
350 Employment (jobs) created and/or safeguarded
200 Businesses assisted –financial and non-financial
20 Skills – new learners/apprentices
26 New housing unit Completions
2102 New floor space constructed/refurbished – commercial (sq m)
240 Carbon reduction (tonnes)
View the minutes of the meeting where the decision to approve this project was taken here.