University of Chichester - Engineering and Digital Tech Park

THEME: Skills

AREA: West Sussex

Providing opportunities for thousands of young people

Delivery Body: University of Chichester

Theme: Skills

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £8m

Match Funding Contribution: £25.6m

Project Status: Delivering


Summary of Project

Digital Technology is the fastest growing sector of the UK and world economies, and for this reason the University of Chichester put forward an ambitious scheme to create a brand new Engineering Digital and Technology Park on its Bognor Regis Campus.


Coast to Capital awarded Local Growth Funding towards this project, which in turn enabled additional funding partners to back the project, and turn this exciting and much needed facility to become a reality. LGF funding additionally facilitated the design specification to significantly increase, which would allow the University to support the necessary levels of engagement with SME's and disadvantaged students groups by enabling cutting edge, industry standard equipment.


The Digital Technology and Engineering Park was officially opened in October 2018 by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex which created an estimated online reach of over 3 billion views


Since its opening, it has created enhanced opportunities for local people to acquire valuable knowledge and skills, including continuous engagement with local engineering businesses to ensure that the distinctive way in which they train their engineers and designers, resulting in individuals who are industry ready. The project has also created 30 new technology programmes, had an increase of 29% of students who are women in engineering, created vital employment, created 120 work place opportunities, and development a new student bed accommodation.


Key Outputs

  • 5,900sqm of learning space
  • 1,975 students
  • 160 jobs
  • 400 individuals assisted in business start up

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