Union Place

THEME: Regeneration

AREA: Worthing

Transforming a dormant site into mixed use space.

Delivery Body: Worthing Borough Council

Theme: Regeneration

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £3.6m

Match Funding Contribution: £25.6m

Project Status: Delivering


Summary of Project

Union Place is a key regeneration site, which is currently dominated by an unsightly parcel of land. This overgrown space sits in the heart of Worthing town centre in close proximity to attractions such as the Connaught Theatre and Worthing Museum & Art Gallery.


As the site was having a damaging impact on the overall appearance and economic performance of the town centre, Coast to Capital invested Local Growth Funding into the project to acquire the site and create a step change.


LGF enabled the scheme to be brought forward, and the project will add leisure capability, creates new public realm and creates much needed additional housing in Worthing. Following this purchase, Worthing will look for a development partner to regenerate the site, and will look to create additional leisure floor space and employment in such a central location


Key Outputs

  • 4,760sqm site reclaimed / developed
  • 164 jobs
  • 15 indirect jobs
  • 100 homes
  • 5,478sqm commercial floor space constructed



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