Springman House

THEME: Regeneration

AREA: Lewes

Unlocking significant regeneration through service relocation

Delivery Body: Lewes District Council

Theme: Regeneration

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £2m

Match Funding Contribution: £5.1m

Project Status: Delivering


Summary of Project

Springman House is located on North Street in Lewes, outside the North Street Quarter regeneration area. The site comprises a mid to late 20th Century office building, which was most recently used as a National Health Service (NHS) administration building. The aim of this project was to purchase the freehold of Springman House from NHS/SECAmb and build a new Lewes Community Fire Station on the site. Lewes District Council were awarded Local Growth Funding and successfully purchased the site in the 16/17 financial year.


Following the purchase of the site by Lewes District Council, plans have been drawn up with the East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service. The Council now awaits appointment of a developer for the NSQ scheme in order for this enabling project to move forwards.


The £150million North Street Quarter regeneration will deliver a major strategic mixed use scheme with housing, commercial and leisure spaces. This development will also include other significant regeneration benefits such as a new modern health centre, construction jobs and important flood defences.


Key Outputs


  • 13,000sqm of employment floor space
  • 416 homes
  • 2,650sqm of health care and pharmacy
  • 5.67ha of area reclaimed / redeveloped
  • 5.42ha of area experiencing a reduction in likelihood of flooding
  • Re-location of Lewes Community Fire Station

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