Plus X (formally Preston Barracks)

THEME: Infrastructure

AREA: Brighton

Creating work spaces that unlock potential, driving business growth and innovation.

Delivery Body: Brighton and Hove City Council

Theme: Infrastructure

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £7.7.m

Match Funding Contribution: £9.9.m

Project Status: Delivering


Summary of Project:

In 2015 Coast to Capital awarded Brighton and Hove City Council with Local Growth Funding to enable U&I Developers to unlock the wider economic and social regeneration at Preston Barracks, and bring the previous military installation site to back to life as a place, rich with culture, community and opportunity, at the heart of a major University Campus. The ambition was to help cement Brighton's position as one of the best places in the world to be an entrepreneur and an inventor, supporting not only those dealing with digital products and services, but also those making physical products. This is currently being realised through the delivery and build of the Plus X site that will provide diverse and highly flexible workspaces for a range of creative businesses, all with access to workshop spaces and a shared prototyping lab


This is a unique offer that will allow businesses occupants to be provided with better access to funding, wider mentoring options, and more comprehensive support programmes, to include key linkages to the University. In addition to Plus X enabling businesses to collaborate, grow and scale up, the venue is likely to be able to support and host local community initiatives and encourage occupants to mentor and assist young people and enterprise in the surrounding area.


What is more, this site will create a gateway to the city, and be a clear example of inclusive growth, where direct investment in the Preston Barracks site will also benefit the surrounding community & increase economic growth through further site regeneration which will provide jobs, community hubs, residential units (30% of affordable) and student residential units.


Key Outputs:

  • 407 jobs
  • 4,645sqm of employment space
  • 359 homes


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