East Surrey College - Vision For Growth
THEME: Skills
AREA: East Surrey
Enhancing skills provision through high quality learning space
Delivery Body: East Surrey College
Theme: Skills
Coast to Capitals LGF Allocation: £820,000
Match Funding Contribution: £2,018,964
Project Status: Delivering
Summary of Project
East Surrey College (ESC) and John Ruskin College (JRC) merged on 1st February 2019, to form the East Surrey Corporation trading as Orbital South Colleges. A major disadvantage for JRC was lack of any facility at all to train local young people in construction subjects. Following sustained, significant growth, ESC is at capacity and unable to meet continuing demand for higher level technology courses. For this reason, Coast to Capital has invested Local Growth Funding towards the construction costs this project. The project is on the John Ruskin College campus comprising investment towards a Construction Skills Centre to meet urgent community need.
East Surrey College delivers substantial provision in technology subjects such as; construction, engineering and digital technologies. These courses are from Entry to Level 6 however, the campus is unable to accommodate increasing, identified demand from employers and from intending students. The current accommodation on the East Surrey campus cannot meet demand and currently there is no dedicated space for students at higher education levels. At the John Ruskin site there is no provision at all for students to train in construction or engineering skills in the locality and insufficient in the wider area to meet significant employer demands for workers which is a major gap.
Key Outputs
405 Skills 16 – 18
250 Skills New Apprentices
Training for High Value skills including Adults undertaking Rail Engineering and other
325 courses at JRC
1,000 New Floor space Constructed/Refurbished (sqm)
24 Employment- created and/or safeguarded
450 Employment unlocked