Adur Civic Centre Re-Development

THEME: Housing

AREA: Adur

Retaining key businesses & enabling growth through quality space

Delivery Body: Adur District Council

Theme: Housing

Coast to Capital LGF Allocation: £1.71m

Match Funding Contribution: £9.89m

Project Status: Delivering


Summary of Project

In 2008 Worthing and Adur District Councils merged, which led to greater collaboration and shared services and as a result all staff moved to Worthing Town Hall. This meant that the Adur Civic Centre which had been used as a civic building with committee rooms was no longer required and was not considered to be viable to convert the existing building to commercial office use. As such the premises laid vacant pending development proposals coming forward.



Coast to Capital awarded Local Growth Funding to help demolish the existing building to enable an excellent redevelopment opportunity which would encourage existing and rapidly growing businesses to remain in the area. Focus group were looking for a new premises following exponential growth, and took the opportunity to lease the new office building which would be developed at the old Adur car park. This enabled the retention of a key large and growing local employer, whilst also de-risking the Council and LGF investment.


Phase 1 of the Adur Civic Centre project completed in March 2019 and has seen Focus Group moving into the new building, along with over 300 employers who use the local facilities, shops, cafes and in turn bringing additional spend and vitaility into the town centre.


This project has stated to create a gateway into the town, with Phase 2 of the project helping the continuation of investment along the Western Harbor Arm, and creating a thriving and vibrant growth hub for the region alongside homes and commercial space.


Key Outputs

  • Phase I North site will have 2,230sqm of employment space leading to 300 jobs.
  • Phase II South site will have approximately 900sqm of new employment space and 172 residential units


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