12 June 2020

Councils across the Coast to Capital area are working hard on their plans to reopen high streets and public spaces safely. This is fundamental for the recovery of the economy and revival of the retail leisure and visitor sector. This activity has been supported by a new £50 million fund launched by Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick.

Town centres and the businesses that they support are vital for our economy, and it is essential that the public can have confidence in the safety of those environment as lockdown eases. To support this, places across the region are piloting and implementing a 'Safer Town' initiative in partnership with Coast to Capital and Local Authorities.


In some places, towns are able to go over and above the Government's guidance and introduce measures including:


  • Marshalling and socially distanced queuing systems in particular around transport connections and car parks
  • Monitoring best practice for hygiene standards
  • Retailers signing up to a code of conduct on best practice social distancing and hygiene standards which will be monitored
  • Hand gel stations
  • Enhanced information about safe access online.


Brighton and Hove City Council are implementing this initiative and will operate it within the Lanes. The initiative is also being progressed in Chichester, Worthing, Horsham, Tandridge and Reigate to name a few.


Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive at Coast to Capital said:



"We are playing a leading role to strategically determine the local economic priorities and undertake activities to drive economic recovery. The 'Safer Town' initiative provides a forum for Local Authorities to share best practice and help deliver a consistent approach to social distancing and hygiene standards across the area. Our aim is for our towns and cities to be well prepared when the lockdown is eased to boost the confidence of residents and visitors and help the local economy get back on track."


Chair of Brighton & Hove City council's Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Councillor Anne Pissaridou, said:



"We are moving quickly to adapt to an environment where we now live alongside Covid-19.


"The pandemic has had a huge impact on our economy and we want to do everything we can to support businesses who want to reopen their doors to customers for the first time in almost three months.


"By doing so safely, we hope those businesses can remain open and thrive in Covid-19 secure city.


"I would ask everyone to please be considerate and respect each other as you travel and shop around Brighton & Hove. Be very mindful of people with mobility issues, learning disabilities or visual or hearing impairments. Some people will find it harder to manage physical distancing and many disabilities are hidden.


"Only by working together can be make the city safer."


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