08 March 2020

The Coast to Capital Growth Hub is offering a new flexible program for small business owners, designed to help ensure growth and address the biggest challenges your business faces.

As a small business owner you know there are days when you feel like you're only just hanging in there, and constantly balancing your next step, rather than having focused time to build a robust plan to grow your business. We know it takes a lot of determination to keep a small business running, so Coast to Capital Growth Hub has created a brand new flexible weekly program.


This new interactive series of 12 sessions is designed to address all of the most common small business barriers, and to provide ideas that can deliver almost immediate and effective growth and productivity, directly back to your business.


Using tried and tested and highly effective business tools and methods, we'll guide you through a wide range of techniques on how to grow, become more competitive and profitable, all designed to get you to the top.


Limited place 12 week program starting 20th April

  • Only cost is £50 registration
  • One participant per business
  • 10 participants per group max.
  • 2 hours a week over 12 weeks
  • Expert coaching and facilitation
  • Mix of meetings and webinars
  • Content and tools to take away and use
  • Dates: 20th April to the 10th July 2020

For any questions about this new Coast to Capital 12 week program call 07899 741939

Or register with us directly by Friday 27th March. Email: luke.west@coast2capital.org.uk

12 week program details:

  • Introduction to the program - group overview and growth aims and outcomes
  • Business performance reviews and growth planning to plan future growth
  • Goal setting - reviewing business goals, vision, strategy and business plans
  • Planning - review of individual exercise business plans and group feedback
  • Finance - financial challenges, cash flow forecasts, working capital, funds and grants
  • Skills - resourcing, recruiting, appraisals, training, management and overseas staff
  • Business structure - offices, prime locations, technology, resources and distribution
  • Sales - emotional buying, target clients, sales teams, pipelines and buying personas
  • Client targeting - group feedback on buyer personas, sales growth forecast exercise
  • Pitching to new clients - sales presentations, elevator pitches and group exercises
  • Marketing - branding, messaging and marketing plans for new products and services
  • Review - covering all content plus group lessons learned and used to generate growth


Your Business' Future is only as Great as the Time you put in Today, Sign up now.


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