18 July 2019

In response to Gatwick Airport publishing its final master plan Coast to Capital has confirmed its support for sustainable growth at Gatwick Airport which is at the heart of the economy of Coast to Capital.



Gatwick Airport is the single biggest driver of economic growth in the Coast to Capital area and is at the heart of future growth for the region. Gatwick is vital not only to our economy but that of the wider South East and the UK as a whole. It is a gateway to international markets which is even more important as we prepare to leave the EU.


We are pleased that the public consultation showed strong support for Gatwick's ambitions and for the future of the local area. Gatwick Airport has confirmed its intention to take forward plans to optimise use of the Main Runway and bring the Standby Runway into routine use to strengthen resilience and capacity.


Major infrastructure investment on this scale will support the region's ambition for the growth of our economy. It will allow the region to grow in a way which is more sustainable, which attracts more efficient and innovative businesses, and brings jobs and prosperity across the region.


It is vital that the growth of the airport is done in a way that is sensitive to the environment. Growth in the 21st century needs to be done in a way which is based on efficiency and innovation and which protects and enhances the environment. Gatwick's plans bring challenges and opportunities both in terms of cleaner aircraft, airport operations and wider surface access. A positive and collaborative relationship between the Airport, Local Authorities, business and the LEP is vital to deliver a shared vision for the Airport.


Our support for expansion has always been on the basis that crucial infrastructure upgrades are delivered in tandem with airport growth. Both public and private investment funding sources will have a role to play in delivering this. We see the Airport a catalyst for development of more closely coordinated plans for growth of the towns within the local area.


Jonathan Sharrock

Chief Executive

Coast to Capital


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