27 February 2019

Coast to Capital led a conversation today on delivering prosperous urban centres at the annual stakeholder update, hosted at the University of Chichester's new Tech Park.

The organisation is set to negotiate a Local Industrial Strategy with government in the coming months which will prioritise policy and investment in the local area. This is in addition to the £300 million which Coast to Capital has already invested into a range of projects to regenerate our towns and cities.


At the event, the audience heard that Coast to Capital will work closely with local businesses, local authorities and industry sector experts to refine the plans for future development. A number of principles were set out for delivering strong urban centres including great civic governance, wide public support and a clear vision.


The priorities identified in the strategic plan Gatwick 360 forms the basis of what will be agreed with government this year including opportunities to create skills for the future, pioneer innovation and promote transport mobility.


Coast to Capital are looking for talented individuals to help deliver this work, and are currently advertising for a programme manager, a senior analyst and a stakeholder manager. These roles will equip the organisation with the right skills and capacity to lead a collective effort to present the local area to Government as a priority area for growth and investment in the South East.

Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive at Coast to Capital said:


"As experts in the local economy, we are proud to be leading negotiations to secure a deal for the Coast to Capital area. Government has confirmed that we will continue to make strategic decisions to promote economic growth and we are committed to developing the area in a carefully considered and sustainable way by working closely with partners."


Minister for Local Growth, Jake Berry MP, said:



"I'm impressed by work Coast to Capital has done to produce its new Strategic Economic Plan 'Gatwick 360' and their cooperation with local partners and the Government to develop a Local Industrial Strategy.



"The venue for today's event, the Engineering and Tech Park at the University of Chichester, was built with a contribution of £8m from the Local Growth Fund and is a great example of how Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership is investing in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths skills which will underpin our future economic growth and competitiveness as well as providing exciting opportunities for local people and businesses."


University of Chichester Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane Longmore has specialised in urban history throughout her academic career and has a particular interest in the continuous renewal of urban communities. She said:


"Without doubt, our high streets have suffered over the last few years and this is of considerable concern to our region's economy - high streets and shopping centres across the region and beyond are now missing some of the big name brands and shops that were a mainstay for decades.


"The University is working closely with Coast to Capital and other organisations to provide the expertise and business acumen necessary to stay ahead of the national trend. The aim is to ensure we regenerate our high streets into areas that attract residents, shoppers, and workers and which work as vibrant centres of the community.


"It is entirely appropriate to have hosted the Coast to Capital conference at our new Tech Park which, through collaboration with nearby businesses, will help us to deliver our vision of making our region a place where business can thrive, create jobs, and where people can access the very best education and training opportunities."


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