23 November 2017

Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership is spearheading the Brighton Mainline Alliance, a group of businesses and organisations that support the aim for Government to fully commit to funding strategic investment in the Brighton Mainline, including enhancements to the Windmill Bridge Junction. This investment is vital to drive growth and productivity across the whole region and protect its economic potential.

On the launch of the Alliance, a number of key businesses and representative groups, including Gatwick Airport, signed up to the Alliance and joined the call for significant long-term rail investment to support the region's growing economy. The campaign urges that upgrading the Brighton Mainline would enhance capacity, connectivity and resilience which is vital for businesses and fundamental for the region's links to London and international connectivity.

Coast to Capital is calling for businesses across the region to join the Alliance to add further weight to its strong collective voice. The Alliance is also supported by a number of MPs across the region, including Peter Kyle MP and Rt Hon Nicolas Soames MP, the joint Chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Southern Rail.

Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive at Coast to Capital said:

"Every train journey whether for business or pleasure in our region depends on investment in the Brighton Mainline, we strongly support the proposed upgrades which are fundamental to our economy. This is a strong scheme which has been recommended by Network Rail and it is vital that we make the case to Government that this scheme is a priority and that it is approved for strategic investment."

Peter Kyle MP said:

"The greatest infrastructure challenge in our country is getting people to and from London for work reliably every day. We've failed at this for too long but this group gives me hope that at last passengers will have the change and investment they need."

Matthew Sims, Chief Executive, Croydon BID, said:

"It is imperative that large-scale investment is made to our transport infrastructure to provide much needed support for our local economies and business communities, enabling supply to meet demand. We therefore support the proposed upgrades to the Brighton Mainline which will enhance the service and capacity through Croydon, one of the busiest transport hubs in the region."

Guy Stephenson, Gatwick's Chief Commercial Officer, said:

"Our region's growth is dependent on excellent local, national and international connectivity, with the upgrades to the Brighton Mainline fundamental to the future
prosperity of the South East, so Gatwick is delighted to support Coast to Capital's
Brighton Mainline Alliance"


If your business or organisation wants to demonstrate support please send your
logo to jake.daniels@coast2capital.org.uk.


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