01 October 2013

Coast to Capital is working on a plan with its partners to use €67.3m of European funding to aid economic growth in the area.

Coast to Capital is working on a plan with its partners to use €67.3m of European funding to aid economic growth in Brighton and Lewes, the Gatwick Diamond, West Sussex and Croydon. Representatives from the public, private and voluntary sectors have had their say at a series of consultation events hosted by the local enterprise partnership (LEP) to ensure its European funding strategy reflects the needs of local business communities.


The Government has handed Coast to Capital responsibility for the delivery of EU structural and investment funds for 2014 - 2020 as part of its commitment to find local solutions to stimulate local growth and jobs in its area. The LEP is now responsible for designing and delivering strategies on how best to use this funding based on a number of priority areas set out by the European Commission and Whitehall.


These strategies include innovation, research and technological development, support for small businesses and the low carbon economy. Other priority areas include skills, employment and social inclusion. The first draft of Coast to Capital's Strategic Economic Plan must be with Government by 7th October, after which further negotiations will take place. Once complete, the plan will make up part of the LEP's overarching growth strategy for the next 20 years and the funds will flow from as early as 2014.


Ron Crank, Chief Executive, said: "We're working closely with partners to develop a coherent strategy. It makes sense that local champions take on the responsibility for decision making in their area and we welcome the opportunity to direct funding towards areas that really need investment. The European Commission's new focus on growth and jobs is very much in line with our own priorities."



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