03 November 2020

New What Next Sussex virtual event gives students the chance to ‘meet’ hundreds of local education and apprenticeship providers and employers to plan their next move.

A group of Sussex careers organisations have announced a brand new virtual event that helps young people to decide what to do after their GCSEs. What Next Sussex will broadcast live as an interactive event on Wednesday 4th November, with lots of additional content on choices and pathways available on the Get Career Confident website.


Sussex Learning Network, East Sussex Careers Hub and Coast to Capital Careers Hub are working together with Elev8Careers to bring this exciting new event to learners from across the region.


Miranda Glavin, founder of Elev8Careers and co-organiser of the event said:


"Making sure young people are aware of and understand their options is more important than ever right now. Because it’s virtual, What Next Sussex will ensure every young person across the county can hear about opportunities and feel inspired, excited and informed for their future."


On Wednesday 4th November between 1.30pm and 3pm students can chat with representatives from colleges, sixth forms, universities, apprenticeship providers and local and national employers including the NHS, The Brighton Grand and Drusilla’s Park. The event will run again in the evening for parents and carers to view video content and ask their questions between 6pm and 7.30pm.


"We are so happy to be part of the "What next Sussex" event. It is a real tribute to those involved that this has been organised during these challenging times. This is a great opportunity for our students to get some invaluable insights in to life after GCSEs."


Mark Kearley, Assistant Headteacher, Thomas Bennett Community College in Crawley, West Sussex.


Marie Harding Careers Advisor at The Regis School said:


"We’re very pleased to be taking part in the What Next Sussex event as it offers a one stop shop for students and parents to find out about the various pathways that are open to them post 16.


"It is also an excellent opportunity to talk to a huge range of professionals and get all your questions answered. This is especially valuable during this latest national lockdown as it is much more difficult to access advice and guidance face to face. We encourage all of our students and their families to take part."


Also commenting on the event Jasmine Ee, a degree apprentice at Edwards Vaccum said:


"It’s really important to connect with young people in Sussex and I’m looking forward to talking with them at the What Next Sussex event, in order to give them insight into what the whole point of school is. It can be difficult to stay motivated but I think that when students can see what they are working towards and what they have to look forward to, it inspires them to stay focused on their studies."


Stacey Killon – Workforce Transformation Manager (Apprenticeships) from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said:


"Connecting with our local and younger population is vital to safeguarding our future NHS workforce and ever-growing workstreams around patient care. The NHS offers a huge range of exciting and challenging opportunities for people who are passionate about making a difference. With more than 350 different careers on offer, there is a job for you no matter what your interests, skills or qualifications."


East Sussex County Cllr Rupert Simmons, lead member for economy, said:


"Supporting young people as they make key choices about their future is more important than ever in the light of the current pandemic, and we are delighted to be working with our neighbouring colleagues to bring this virtual event to Year 11 students county-wide."


Students and parents can register to take part in What Next Sussex online here.


Get Career Confident


Get Career Confident is a careers education programme managed by Sussex Learning Network and funded through the Office for Students Uni Connect Programme. Sussex Learning Network is strategic partnership that develops, and delivers projects which enable all learners to participate in and progress through higher level education


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