Find out more about what is happening with key stakeholders in the region.


Region’s Institute of Technology takes a step forward

A bid to establish an Institute of Technology in the Coast to Capital region has taken a significant step forward.

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Giant sandcastle unveiled to encourage sand martins to nest in Surrey nature reserve again after 25 years

Surrey Wildlife Trust has unveiled a giant 20-metre wide sandcastle for sand martins, tiny 12 centimetre brown and white birds, to welcome them back from Africa to nest at a Surrey nature reserve. The huge 400 tonne sand installation will provide hundreds of new sand martin homes at the reserve for the first time in 25 years.

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Catalyst South LEPs Lead The Way With Innovative AI Programme To Help Support Female Business Leaders

Business leaders across the South East have heard how the region’s Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support women entrepreneurs power-up the economy and make businesses and society more inclusive than ever.

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