12 March 2019

On International Women's Day, Coast to Capital celebrated and championed the achievements of their female staff and Board Members.

International Women's Day Influencer Statement


Tim Wates, Chairman of Coast to Capital, highlighted the organisation's commitments to building a more gender-balanced world and helping to forge a #BalanceforBetter:


"Coast to Capital is an inclusive organisation that values and promotes diversity. We work across a diverse and vibrant region and believe that our impact is enhanced through championing inclusion, and reflecting the dynamic businesses and communities that we support.


As well as fostering growth and innovation, diversity is about the individual; understanding that each of us is different and making sure we respect and celebrate the variety of backgrounds, perspectives, values, and beliefs. It is therefore an integral part of the delivery of our strategy.


We are committed to ensure that at least one third of our Board members are women by the end of the 2019-2020 financial year, and we look to grow this to an equal representation of men and women on our Board by the end of the 2022- 2023 financial year.


We have also named Julie Kapsalis as our Diversity Champion on the Coast to Capital Board. Julie has been a Board Member at Coast to Capital since 2013 and is currently Managing Director at Chichester College Group, as well as having a portfolio of Board roles and experience in leadership roles across the public and private sector."

Coast to Capital Welcomes New Business Leader to the Board


We also welcomed business restructuring specialist Karen Dukes to the Coast to Capital Board, to support the delivery of their ambitious "Gatwick 360" strategy. Read the full article here.


Our pledge for a #BalanceforBetter


Female staff members at Coast to Capital quoted their pledge for a #BalanceforBetter, along with Julie Kapsalis, Diversity Champion on the Board.


Julie Kapsalis
Business Representative and Diversity Champion, Coast to Capital Board


"I believe that Coast to Capital must reflect and celebrate the diversity of our region - from the make-up of our Board and staff, to our values and the way we engage with businesses and stakeholders. We must continue to champion women's achievements to create a Balance for Better!"


Katie Nurcombe

Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs, Coast to Capital


"Coast to Capital is an inclusive organisation that values and promotes diversity. We work across a diverse and vibrant region and believe that our impact is enhanced through championing inclusion and reflecting the dynamic businesses and communities that we support."


Marsha Robert

Growth Grant Project Manager, Coast to Capital


"I believe promoting equality and diversity is an important role for all to be engaged in, and feel that we should all be ambassadors of equality to show others how balance can be achieved."


Hazel Nicholmann
Governance Officer, Coast to Capital


"I've been proud to work for organisations throughout my career who share and respect the values and positive contributions which Women bring to the workplace. Let's keep raising awareness!"


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