The Investments Pillar committee is no longer in operation.

The Investments Pillar Committee is an officer Committee that is appointed by the Chief Executive, reports to and provides advice and recommendations to the Investment Committee and Growing Places Committee.

The Investments Pillar Committee has a focus on day to day delivery, recommending but not deciding strategy, and its purpose is to ensure the successful implementation of 'business as usual' management of the Local Growth Fund and Growing Places Fund project portfolios. The Committee holds to account the Chief Operating Officer and their team in discharging their duties to operate both of these funds and to report via dashboards on the delivery of projects under each fund.

In addition the Committee has the authority to invite delivery bodies receiving grant funding from Coast to Capital along to meetings to be scrutinised in accounting for the delivery of their projects. The Committee also has delegated powers under the scheme of delegation to take temporary, in financial year remediation decisions and approve temporary project changes and virements up to £1 million.


You can find the minutes for this Committee meetings in the Related Resources box on the right hand side.

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