Step Forward

ESIF: European Social Fund (ESF)

Priority: Priority 4: Creating skills for the future

Skills Training UK is working with a supply chain of delivery partners to identify and work with SMEs to upskill staff and improve business productivity. The project will also improve the career prospects of employees that receive training through individual outcomes such as pay rises, increased hours and access to better job opportunities in the future. The project is also identifying businesses with employees at risk of, or individuals who have recently gone through redundancy, and providing training to up-skill or re-skill those individuals to increase their employability and help to keep them in employment. The programme is tailored to match individual needs and is planned to enable in-work progression as well as provide guidance towards further education, apprenticeships and, where appropriate, employment.

The Key Statsistics:

Project Lead: Skills Training UK

Start and End Date: April 2019/March2023

Project Axis: PA2 - Support for Growth

Amount of ESF: £1,336,500

Full Value: £2,673,000

Delivery Area: Across Coast to Capital

Delivery Partners: Runway, Swim UK (Functional Skills UK), Hit, Tempus, Straight A, Best Practice People, Groundwork, EM Tuition, Gateway Solutions, Beats Learning, QTSD, Phoenix 4 Training


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