The current priorities on which we intend to influence the debates at national level are:

Driving improvements in education and skills that contribute to improvements in local economic performance

One of our key strategic roles in the area of HE & FE education, skills and employment is to ensure that we are driving the creation of talent pipelines (at all levels) into our businesses, be they private, public or third sector and that employers are exploring their workforce development needs to support business growth and ultimately economic growth of the Coast to Capital area.


Coast to Capital will also be considering the reccommendations of the Housing and Regeneration Task Force around construction skills and how we prioritise and advocate careers in the construction, planning, regeneration and infrastructure sectors.


Through our expanding Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) we are forging strategic links between business and education, helping to raise awareness of the world of work and to improve the employability skills of our school and college students. A greater awareness of the jobs and careers on offer in the Coast to Capital area will enable students to follow the most appropriate vocational and/or academic pathway and to become a part of the talent pipelines into business.


Employment and Skills

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