


Revised Draft LIS Economic Profile


Following our consultation on the Draft LIS Economic Profile in 2019 we have issued a revised draft document to address some of the comments we received, particularly about data, as we continue to develop our LIS.


A summary of changes in this revised document are:


  • More detailed labelling of all data sets referenced throughout the document. This provides clarity on exactly which data set or sub-data set was used and which year it was released to ease reference
  • Updated Indices of Multiple Depravation (IMD) data using the latest 2019 release
  • Some other changes to original content, for example changes to the protected designations map to clarify the National Park boundary (page 87)
  • Rectified spelling or grammatical errors


You can view the Revised Draft LIS Economic Profile here



A note on data used


Many of the data sources used in the economic profile are published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Statistical counts from ONS may vary depending on when a particular data set is downloaded and therefore may not match exactly with those in the document.


In some cases ONS has only released data up until 2017. This explains why some of the five--year data series in the economic profile show a date range of 2012-2017 rather than 2013-2018.


Next steps


We will continue to develop the content of the economic profile, using the full range of responses received through the consultation along with the results of wider engagement with stakeholders, as we develop our draft LIS proposals.


Further information about the consultation can be found here


To find out more about LIS Development click here


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