We work with Government and local stakeholders to provide regional strategic leadership on a number of important economic, social and environmental agendas.


Strategic economic plan and Local Industrial Strategy


Like all LEPs we produce a Strategic Economic Plan for our area which shapes our vision and our priorities. This is part of an overall picture of UK economic planning which includes Government's own Industrial Strategy and local economic plans produced by Local Authorities. Currently we are working with stakeholders to produce a Local Industrial Strategy Once complete, this will form a strategic agreement with Government as to how our area can best contribute to UK productivity following our departure from the European Union.




We are bringing businesses and education providers together through our Skills 360° Board to create the right skills for people and business that will increase economic and social prosperity. Our Enterprise Adviser Network builds relationships between schools, colleges and local businesses to inspire and raise career aspirations among our young people and to increase their exposure to the world of work [link to Services subpage].




The South2East Local Energy strategy sets out a common vision to become a UK leader for sustainable energy production, across the Coast to Capital, Enterprise M3 and South East Local Enterprise Partnership areas. We are also part of the wider Greater South East Energy Hub, a collaboration of eleven LEPs who are working together to increase local energy projects being delivered across the South East of the UK.


To speak to the Strategy and Policy team contact us on 01293 305965.


Get in touch: Phone 01293 305965

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